It feels like just yesterday that I was writing my "Celebrating 3 years of EBONI + IVORY" blog post. Yet here we are again, a year later and a (hopefully) a year wiser. I am now very much rooted in my late twenties, feeling like every day counts as a step towards my success both personally and professionally.
It has been one heck of a year! I have been travelling all over Europe, from Edinburgh to Cologne, Amsterdam and Paris. I was single, then I was in a relationship, and then I was single again. Finally, landed a huge acting job on a UK tour that took over my life from September to March; what a roller-coaster! Now, I am sat on my sofa, watching Saturday night TV in the midst of a global pandemic that has kept me indoors for four months. In fact, that is the reason for the delay in this post! EBONI + IVORY actually turned four in March! So without further ado, as always, here are some of the highlights of EBONI + IVORY in 2019:
In August, I was invited on an incredible press trip with my best friend, to climb Scafell Pike - the highest mountain in England! It was one of the most physically challenging activities I have ever done. We were rewarded with a high-tea service at the summit, complete with alcoholic tea! That helped to make the pain in my legs a lot more tolerable! The descent was the best part, with the clouds and rain clearing to reveal the most incredible views over the Lake District!
In the summer of 2019, I head to Paris for a romantic getaway with 25hours Hotel. It was a wonderful trip. I was so excited to be partnering with such a stunning hotel! Paris is such a beautiful city, so I was able to create lots of Instagram content!
In January this year, I was invited back to stay with 25hours Hotel, this time in Cologne. I took one of my best friends, Grace, to the German city. Unfortunately, it rained every single day whilst we were there, but nonetheless, we managed to fill every day with fun activitites and got to see a lot of the city!
Amsterdam with my best friend

Amsterdam was a fun trip sandwiched between my Edinburgh and Paris excursions! My best friend Naomi and I, spent few days right in the centre, staying with a friend. As it was my 5th time visiting, I was able to explore as if I was a local, discovering new places to shop and eat. I even went to a blogging event for Diesel with a lovely content creator, Fabienne, who I met up with whilst there!
2019 was a great year for travels, but also finding fun experiences and activities to do in the UK!
Go Boat was was such an exciting, summery activity to do in London. Piloting my friends along the River Thames whilst enjoying a delicious picnic - what's not to love?
In May, I was invited to Portsmouth, to visit the Mary Rose museum. I brought along Hebe, my wonderful blogging friend, and together we explored all Portsmouth had on offer! From the Mary Rose Museum, to the Spinnaker Tower. It was such a fun couple of days!
When I was offered the chance to have Afternoon Tea on a traditional London Routemaster Bus, I could not pass up the opportunity! I had the best time with Bridgit's Bakery, being served Afternoon Tea whilst taking in the sites of London. I would really recommend this experience for any London visitor or London residents looking for something unique to do!
Those were some of the highlights from my past year of blogging and creating content. I filmed many of these experiences for my YouTube channel which you can check out here!

If you have stuck with me this far, thank you, and here's to another 4 years of EBONI + IVORY!
Eb x
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