The Power of Putting Down the Straighteners
I've been feeling pretty powerful after this shoot yesterday. I spent years and years (26 to be precise) damaging and abusing and hating my curly hair. I spent my evenings as a child, on the floor between my mum’s legs as she tried endlessly to create a style I felt happy with. Hot combs, chemical relaxers, we tried them all. I’d go to school where I was bullied for my “frizzy” hair. I’d see all the other girl’s at school and on tv with their beautiful “swishy” Pantene, L'Oreal “you’re worth it” hair. I was so envious.
As an adult, I became in control and I was able to style it! Straightening my hair for special occasions aged 13, turned into straightening my hair full stop. I didn't feel “pretty” with curly hair. I didn’t think boys would like me.
Last year that all stopped for me, when I realised how beautiful curly hair could be. At first thinking, “yes it’s beautiful, but not on me!!”
On girls like @mynamesdiana ,@colormecourtney @freshlengths, @whatevawears , @charnellegeraldine, @kumbearxo, @eliestories , @ghenetactually, @hairissimba...
But not me...
Until Now.
A life changing haircut at Live True London and a well-needed change of perspective, and here we are. I’m sorry it took so long, but boy was it worth the wait!
Shop this entire look:

Hair: Models Own ;)
Eb x
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