'Somedays I am the Flowers, Somedays I am the Rain'

'Somedays I am the Flowers, Somedays I am the Rain'

Eboni wearing Pretty Little ThingThis beautiful quote was something I saw around the time of World Mental Health Day. It was posted by a fellow blogger and I immediately screen-grabbed it. The words stuck with me because high's and low's are something I struggle with a lot. Not just your average PMS mood swings, but sudden spouts of depression brought on by a variety of things. My self confidence, my lack of sleep, my social anxiety, relationships, friendships and so on.
Eboni wearing Pretty Little Thing Outfit

Eboni wearing grey check coat, black pom pom earrings and red lipstickThis quote really stuck with me because within it, there is a lesson that I have been discovering as I grow - even through the lowest moments, when I am feeling super sh*tty and sorry for myself, there is a teeny, tiny ray of light (whether I want to admit it in that moment or not) in the super far distance that knows this feeling is just a passing storm that I need to wait out.
It's because of my highs, my happiness and my success, that I know the "storm" is only temporary and there is so much more to come. I know this, because it is a pattern that just repeats itself #Life (woaahh!)

Eboni wearing grey check coat from Pretty Little Thing
Eboni wearing grey check pretty little thing coat with red bootsIt is with this understanding that I find peace and a little comfort in this quote and I allow myself to settle and almost enjoy my lows as much as my highs. I encourage myself to learn from all my experiences and most importantly, remain grounded. 
All flowers need a little rain to grow :)
Seeing this quote being shared around the online community reassures me that I am not alone in feeling this way. And that it is ok to not to be ok all the time, with no apologies!
I wonder if any of you lovely readers can relate to this quote at all? 
Eb x

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